“Men don't talk face to face, they talk shoulder to shoulder"

The following videos provide instruction and safety on the use of some of the machinery currently available for use in the Men's Shed. These videos may be watched on Youtube but must NOT be reproduced or copied without the owners permission.

band saw - metal

Band Saw (Metal)

band saw - wood

Band Saw (Wood)


Belt & Disc Linisher Sander

dovetail jig

Dovetail Jig

band saw

Drum Sander

pedestal mill drill

Pedestal Mill Drill Machine

compound mitre saw

Sliding Compound Mitre Saw

table router

Table Router



wood lathe

Wood Lathe

Angle Grinder
Hollow Chisel Mortiser Circular Saw
Lathe Chisels
Bench Grinder

Aluminium tig welding